Saturday, February 16, 2013


Smart SEO Company is a term not commonly found on the internet, yet it’s building in popularity across the Search Engine Optimization industry. A Smart Internet Advertising Company must acknowledge the competition for Smart Businesses who embrace Smart Advertising Concepts. Smart Internet Marketing is the term that describes those who understand there’s more to SEO than just being found number one on Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Currently, most SEO companies focus solely on the premise that being number one is the end all to advertising. In contrast,  Smart SEO Companies embrace all the algorithmically changes with Search Engines and Social Media, brought on by the demands of Smarter Online Users, therefore validating the need for a Smart SEO COMPANY

Those who are constantly on the internet looking at the many diverse companies which exist in just about any industry have come to realize the world of the internet is evolving. Any company who is found number one for all their search terms is a company who is embracing smart business practices and in turn, strategically promotes their online presence and visibility. The ability to utilize forward thinking and truly implement Smart Internet Strategies is something of significant value at a time when there is considerable data to support the Smart Marketing Methods and resulting effects. In the world of successful marketing, a company can no longer afford to sit idly by and do nothing, expecting they will be successful online. Constant work is mandatory and must be applied daily, as there is no such thing as Auto-Pilot Marketing to make their business online define what an online business must be… easily found. 

There has been a tremendous amount of controversy that SEO is dead, yet nothing could be further from the truth. This is not to say that SEO has not changed.  It has, and for good reason, as the internet evolved, Smart SEO Companies emerged and begin to take over.  Too many SEO COMPANIES were abusing the search engines in an attempt to simply artificially acquire or even manufacture links for the sole purpose of search manipulation. Smart SEO Companies, on the other hand, were pushing each other to do more, provide more, accomplish more, and report more, all for the client. Unfortunately, there are a few remaining Search Engine Optimization Companies who continue to sell snake oil and call it SEO. They sell to the innocent few who will still buy into the outdated philosophy that a link is a link, and are advised them to buy in bulk, i.e. from anyone and anyplace. Sadly, these innocent few are the victims of those who clearly do not believe in quality SEO. 

Over time, the online consumer began to demand more, and as a result the search engines followed suit, listening to the demands of the consumer. All successful companies are in business simply because of one common factor… their customers. This demand for more resulted in smarter shopping results being offered from the search engines. Social Media platforms also listened to its customers who wanted enhanced search tools which would increase the user’s experience favorably. The Social Media community realized they too must become smarter, thus creating the need for Smart Social Media Management

The need for a Smart SEO Company has become ever increasingly necessary, as they must sort through each evolution the search engines introduce, and integrate the turning face of technology with the end goal of landing their customers website at the top of Google, Yahoo and Bing.

The objective behind Search Engine Optimization Companies has always been to put forth great effort in terms of branding your business, by writing unique content which would earn the respect and notoriety of the online consumer. Smart SEO Companies knew all too well that a link from poor content embedded on some spam website using inferior content was only going to hurt their clients’ reputation, both with the online consumers and the search engines. Thus proving that the shortest path to the top of the search engines is to write stimulating content which engages the internet community to want to link to that content and thereby earning the infamous merit based inbound link. This seemingly daunting task of Content Management Optimization was a time consuming requisite but one that, if done correctly, would earn the respect of anyone who would read it. 
Smart Internet Marketing was never designed to be easy. If this were the case, the internet would be full of successful websites, poorly designed, and utilizing false internet strategies. Any business truly desiring to make a footprint of success must walk the path of using intelligence, creativity, hard work, and vision. Careful thought and deliberation must go into your online business, your competition, your value proposition, and most importantly your customers. A website that has been developed, taking into consideration all the above, is a recipe for online success. It will always arrive at the top of the search engines as a result of their utilization of smart website design strategies, coupled with the quality of its’ content, written by an individual, human and not a computer program.

Smart SEO Services are now the wave of sound business practices. This means going back to the basics in terms of hard work, reaping rewards in line with the amount of time you put into growing your business online. A word of caution, beware of SEO Companies who push and entice their clients into believing that they can guaranty success simply by pointing backlinks, regardless of where those backlinks come from. These same companies will no doubt avoid speaking about unique content, provide mediocre programming, and in the end will ultimately be exposed by a lack of positive long term results. Shortcuts in SEO never succeed.  Achieving positive, long term results takes hard work, effort, knowledge of the industry and its ever-evolving changes, ethics, and vision. Simply put, Smart Business Advertising is simply making Smart Online Strategies.

SEOTOPFUEL’s Family of Companies’ simple theory is this: Do the work…All the work, skip none of the work, and in the end, you will end up where you deserve to be, at the top. By “All the work”, we mean looking at your website from the eyes of your customer, reading all the content on your website the same way your customer will, navigating though your website the way your customer will, and in the end, we make the necessary changes to ensure that all the above meets Excellent Standards to help you reach your goal…an increase in both smart search engine visibility, and customers.

 The choice is simple when you consider the truth of a Smart SEO Company. There are no quick fixes or guarantees, and any company professing to make this false claim, is a company waiting to take your money, hoping you haven’t done your homework.  We are here to answer all your questions and welcome your inquiries about our methodologies and proven strategies that have yielded positive, long term success.  Results achieved through diving into the work which goes into achieving the success of long term and sustainable rankings on the search engines.

Call SEOTOPFUEL today and let us help you make Smart Online Strategies. We work hard so you can work hard at taking care of your customers. Call Now 877-SEO-1998. 

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