Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Online Advertising is Smart Internet Marketing

Advertising has been a part of the Internet almost since the public first discovered this once new technology. Today, online advertising has grown to include both traditional platforms such as websites to emerging social media platforms. Advertising online is no longer relegated to a fixed location thanks to smartphones and other mobile devices. Clearly, there is a prime opportunity to reach plenty of potential customers. The goal of online advertising companies is to create a cohesive marketing plan that takes advantage of each marketing platform in a way that gets results, which translates to brand awareness and revenue.

The Role of Internet Advertising Companies

Internet advertising companies have done more than just witness the boom of the Internet over the past decade. These online advertising companies have become an integral part to helping businesses find success with all of the online resources available to so many of the consumers these potential customers are already accessing on a daily basis. Advertising online is just as essential as effectively using traditional platforms such as television and radio. Internet advertising encompasses the following marketing tools:

• Websites
• Blogs
• Social media
• Email
• Mobile devices

The role of online advertising companies is to assess which platforms work best for reaching the desired target audience. This target audience must be defined first before a cohesive plan can be put together. Once the target audience and related online marketing goals have been determined, it's time to get to really get to work.

Internet Marketing Plan

Any successful Internet marketing company isn't going to promise immediate results. It's easy to get overwhelmed when putting together an Internet marketing plan. There is a tendency to drift towards social networks, but this isn't always the best approach for every business. An Internet marketing plan is likely to include:

• A well-designed website - is a must for any business doing business online. Having Smart Content is king when it comes to advertising online. These days a well-designed website must include well written content sprinkled with strategic keywords and phrases to boost your search engine optimization (SEO) designed to increase relevancy for search engine rankings.

• Email marketing - Email is still a very effective way to reach a specific audience. Emails can also be a good way to distribute marketing materials such as newsletters and eBooks. Again, the focus is going to be on writing content that gets to the point. Emails for marketing purposes should include links to a company's main website, blog, and social platforms for maximum effectiveness.

Online ad placement - Ads can be placed just about anywhere online. This typically includes social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and banner ads placed on websites likely to be frequented by a company's target audience. A youth-oriented company, for instance, may choose to place banner ads on music downloading sites.

Social media marketing - If a business is new to social media, it may be best to try a few platforms first before diving in any further. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are the most popular social platforms for business. Fresh, engaging content is the key to success with any social media marketing efforts.

An Internet marketing company can sort through all the possibilities and come up with a plan likely to get results. A marketing plan is going to be very detailed. However, it is important to realize that any marketing or advertising plan is never set in stone. Adjustments will likely need to be made as results are measured and assessed.

Cost-effective Advertising

Online advertising can be a highly effective and cost-effective advertising method. While the Internet does present an easy way to reach a very specific audience very quickly, it isn't a magic solution. Just having a website or having a Facebook account isn't going to produce results without a solid plan. When compared to other advertising methods, advertising online can be extremely cost-effective.

While online advertising companies charge a certain fee for their services, the results are likely to pay for themselves many times over. Some Internet advertising companies take care of everything while others only provide a basic setup and let the client take care of the rest. Factors to consider when choosing an Internet marketing company include:

• How much of a company's business is done over the Internet
• How much a company has budgeted for online marketing and advertising
• How much potential a company has to expand into other markets

Measure, Reset, Repeat

Online marketing isn't something that is done once and that's it. Results need to be measured. If something isn't working, strategies need to be analyzed and reset. The process is then repeated and measured again. Even when the desired results are being achieved, it is still important to keep track of factors such as:

• Number of visitors to all Internet advertising platforms (websites, social sites, etc.)
• How long a visitor stays on a page and what particular sections they visit
• Number of conversions from casual visitors to actual customers making a purchase

Internet advertising is a must in today's competitive marketplace. Whether a business just opts for a well-designed website or decides to jump into social media marketing, online marketing and advertising companies play a vital role in achieving success when it comes to attracting customers. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to online advertising. Expectations should be kept in check and goals should be attainable. With a well-crafted marketing strategy in place, the Internet can be a cost-effective marketing tool.

SEOTOPFUEL L.L.C. Family of Companies is here to bring you to the next generation in advertising by embracing Smart Internet Advertising Methods. Visit our sites and know why we are the leaders in Smart Internet Advertising among the Online Advertising community.  Please visit www.seotopfuel.com and www.smartinternetadvertising.net to know the difference of Smart Internet Advertising Experts, or call 877-SEO-1998 today. Ask for Jim Gonzalez, CEO of SEOTOPFUEL L.L.C.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Why Creating Unique Content is Smart Internet Advertising

For as long as business has sought to gain the attention of potential customers, there have been advertising companies of one sort or another. Therefore, as Internet Advertising Companies and their methods have evolved and so have the Smart Marketing Concepts used to make Online Advertising even more effective.

With the advent of the Internet, the phenomenon of smart content marketing has become king as savvy X and Y generation consumers have become more attuned to how search engines work to provide them with the products and services they desire.

Fingers Doing the Walking...Still

Throughout the history of advertising, those who develop the concepts, write the copy, create the graphics, and much more have endeavored to think from the perspective of the consumer. This ability to "get into their minds" has allowed search engine advertisers to create some of the greatest and most successful promotional campaigns in history. Another benefit of this idea, however, is with the current trend in advertising online companies.

Today, the "let your fingers do the walking" idea isn't applied to the phone book any longer; it's done on the keyboard, which allows consumers to find the products and services they are searching for. And instead of betting your campaign on a few carefully chosen headlines or body copy, the idea has come "content," and the better the words you choose for that content, the better.

Filling the Bill

Key to creating effective online advertising is original content. This presents both a unique challenge as well as a unique opportunity. With advertising companies of previous years, it was largely enough to get the consumer's attention with a headline, then perhaps a limited amount of body copy. Not anymore. An Internet advertising company, and Smart SEO Tools do a considerable amount of the work for you, then once the consumer has reached your page it's the content that keeps them there and makes the sale.

Today's online advertising methods are a lot like direct mail appeals of yesteryear, with their mounds of copy that attempted to make the sale after the cover appeal of the mailer convinced you to open the message. Once you had the direct mail piece opened, the consumer would, hopefully, read the copy and welcome the message.

Therein lies the power of an online advertising company that can deliver not only the optimized copy to get the advertiser's message to the top of the consumer's search results, but with original and compelling content, the advertiser is in control of the sale.

Advertising Online, Made Easier

At first glance, most people might consider a lot of these advertiser driven options to be a disadvantage, but the truth is that in the hands of the right internet advertising company, they are a ball of clay there for their masterful shaping.

Just as with advertising methods of the past, online advertising means optimizing the tools you have to create as much control over the buyer's decision as possible. Unlike what most people believe, this means more control, not less. And not only that, but with online advertising methods, the advertiser can quickly determine how many and of what types of "hits" he or she has received in response to their message.

More, not Less

Also contrary to what most people believe about online advertising, Smart Internet Advertising Methods allow message providers the opportunity to provide a more comprehensive level of information to the recipient. By advertising online you can:

Get their attention. Where else can you create such a compelling story about your business where consumers will not only ask for your message via the search engine, but will probably be inspired to see, read, and hear the message about your business via your website?

Stir interest. Where else can you have the opportunity to sell your product or service without the noise created by other advertisers who are competing for your customer's attention at the same time as you, which is the case with many other advertising methods?

Educate. Where else can you place as complete and compelling an advertising message in front of your customer as one created by an experienced online advertising company? The advantages of this approach, is that a more complete and compelling advertising message can be delivered than could ever be transmitted through a print ad or even a broadcast advertising medium.

Inspire action. What other advertising medium allows you to present your company's message in a form that could only be delivered better than a salesperson standing in the presence of the consumer to sell your product. That's the net effect of using an online advertising company to its full effect. Not only can you present your message in writing, but with accompanying sounds and visuals to stimulate the website consumer.

Show where they can get more information and buy. Online advertising can give your potential client the opportunity to respond immediately to your advertising message. No longer do you need to wait to see whether your message will be responded to via their action. An Internet advertising company can provide you the complete tools that will give consumers the ability to respond immediately to your message, and if you desire, to make the purchase even before they leave your webpage.

Best and the Brightest

The truth is that there are many online advertising agencies available who can create effective promotional campaigns. Unfortunately, when it comes to creating advertising that is specifically designed for use on the Internet, you will need to enlist the services of a Smart online advertising company that is knowledgeable and experienced not only with advertising but with its use on the Internet.

Smart Internet Advertising Company is Only a Click Away

Smart Internet Advertising Company, a subsidiary of SEOTOPFUEL L.L.C., is more than happy to assist you in choosing the right online advertising campaign to increase on brand awareness, product recognition, and client acquisition. Visit one of our sites today at www.seotopfuel.com or www.smartinternetadvertising.net and ask about our new client special. The faster response is to call now at 877-SEO-1998 and ask to speak to a Smart Internet Advertising Expert.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Affordable SEO Services May Be Quite Costly

Many companies provide affordable SEO services; however, many website owners do not realize that these services can be quite costly and actually lower a website's rankings in the search engines if the company doesn't use natural and organic SEO techniques.

SEO Services Before The Algorithm Updates

In the past, a company that provided affordable SEO services could place links for a certain website on many different webpages that weren't in the same niche as the website.

Although high quality content was still very important for any website owner, an online advertising company could post many short articles, which included the link of a website, on article directories in order to raise the website's rankings in the search engines.

The algorithm updates that Google designed and implemented, which are called Penguin and Panda, changed the SEO Techniques that website owners use to drive their websites to the top of the rankings.

After Panda and Penguin, high quality content became even more important to any successful SEO campaign than it had been in the past. Website owners could no longer post many low quality articles to their website in order to drive it to the top of the rankings, and in addition, article directories, which were full of low quality content, had their authority severely lowered by Google.

The owners of many companies that provide affordable SEO services do not understand this, and as a result, some of these companies still use low quality content.

Consistently Posting New Content

In addition to posting high quality content, a website owner had to begin to consistently post new content after Penguin.

In the past, a website owner could sporadically post an article once every few days in order to keep their website on the front page of Google, but now, a website owner who posts several new articles to their website each day will see their website rise to the top of the rankings very quickly.

High Quality Backlinks

Building backlinks is still vital to any successful SEO campaign, but the most effective techniques for building backlinks have significantly changed.

A backlink that has been established on a website with a high pagerank and related to the subject matter is much more authoritative than backlinks on a website with a low pagerank and no connection to the subject matter.

Now, a website owner must consistently build organic backlinks, and by consistently establishing natural organic backlinks, the website's new backlinks will show organic and natural to the search engines.

If a website owner builds backlinks sporadically, the website can actually lose its rankings in the search engines.

The Anchor Text

The anchor text of a backlink should always be related to the website to which the link is pointing, and if an Internet advertising company wants the backlink to have a large amount of authority, they should use the name of the website and the internal pages as the anchor text for the link.

Webpages That Have A Large Number Of Outbound Links

In the past, an Internet advertising company could easily establish backlinks for many websites on a single webpage, but since Penguin and Panda, Google has been watching out for webpages that have a large number of outbound links. This may to appear to be unnatural and as a result may affect the rankings negatively as a result.

The more outbound links a webpage has, the less authoritative any new backlinks on that webpage will be.

Some affordable SEO companies are still trying to jam many links onto one webpage, but this technique can actually lower a website's rankings significantly.

Stuffing Keywords

Before Panda and Penguin, website owners could create content on their website that had an extremely high density of targeted keywords, but now, content should only have a keyword density which must make grammatical sense and not contrived in such a way that appears spam in nature.

If content on a website is stuffed with keywords, Google may penalize the website.

Easy Navigation

When Penguin was first introduced, many affordable SEO companies noticed that websites with easy to use navigation maintained their rankings, and websites without a site map did not.

A website owner should always ensure that their website has a link to each of its pages, and as a result, bots from the search engines can easily crawl the website.

Social Media Networks

Social media optimization, or SMO, is a marketing strategy that can provide outstanding results if it is used correctly, and in addition, SMO can significantly raise a website's rankings.

Panda and Penguin gave most social media networks more authority, and as a result, backlinks from certain pages on these networks are very valuable.

Video Marketing

YouTube has always been a very popular website, but since Google purchased it, YouTube has been given much more authority on the World Wide Web, and backlinks from YouTube are weighed heavily by the search engines provided they are related in nature of subject matter.

In addition, an Internet advertising company that posts a high quality video on YouTube knows that the video may be shared many times by users on various social media networks.

Using Web Directories

An Internet advertising company can significantly raise a website's rankings by posting the link of the website and a short description of the website in various web directories.

Since Penguin and Panda, many web directories have experienced a slight rise in ranking.

HubPages And Squidoo

Although many article directories lost authority after the algorithm updates, certain websites that are dedicated to detailed and informative posts, such as Hubpages and Squidoo, gained authority.

Instead of posting many low quality articles to article directories, an online advertising company should post one or two high quality and particularly interesting articles to Hubpages and Squidoo.

By using organic SEO strategies, such as establishing high quality backlinks, consistently building new links, posting high quality content on a website and posting articles on Hubpages and Squidoo, an affordable SEO company can ensure that the techniques that it uses are able to quickly drive a website to the front pages of the search engines.

The Affordability of Smart Internet Advertising without Compromising Quality

SEOTOPFUEL L.L.C. Family of companies is a Smart Online Advertising Company which focuses on Smart Internet Advertising. We provide quality work, excellent results with affordability for any client. SEOTOPFUEL L.L.C. will provide affordable seo services for its clients but never at the cost of the client’s rankings. Integrity in this day and age and especially in this industry is almost a rare commodity which is way undervalued. This is the forefront of our company doing online advertising the smart way, which means whatever is best for the client in the eyes of Google, and it’s clients is what Smart Internet Advertising is all about.

New Client Special for Affordable SEO Services begins at $499.00 which includes a Free Smart Market Evaluation of your website and competition even before we get started. Visit our sites today at www.smartinternetadvertising.net or www.seotopfuel.com and get started today with the best Affordable SEO Service that will never compromise on quality of work or results. Call NOW 877-SEO-1998.